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Journey to the GORTA


Ryan McCullough


ISBN: 978-1-913275-53-2


Price:  €9.95 plus shipping (within Ireland)





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About the Book:


Trapped in Ireland’s tragic past, alone and surrounded by the starving masses, Ryan’s only hope for survival is to use his inventive abilities and ingenuity. 

In his quest to return home, he draws on his expertise and copies inventions from the future to raise the capital he needs to search the island and repair his time machine.  His travels are blighted with conflict and challenges that he must overcome if he is to succeed and escape 1845.





About the Author:


Ryan has reinvented himself throughout the years, he is a self-taught artist and has sculptures all over the world, including the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan.  He has been a closet author all his life, and the ‘Covid lock-down’ has given him the time to pursue writing.




Sample Excerpt:


“It’s inconceivable that you could come from a future time and travel to this time? 

Your machine doesn’t even have wheels.”


“I wanted to scream for help but couldn’t breath. 

A match lit my candle and Samuel’s evil face illuminated.”


“I was witnessing a history I had known.  A book I had read. 

Pictures I had seen in black and white moving around me in full colour, yet tinged with grey.”