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Journey back to the



Ryan McCullough


ISBN: 978-1-913275-95-2


Price:  €15.99 plus shipping

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About the Book:


The Great Hunger of Ireland. The Gorta Mor. Witnessed by a time traveller in 1846.

These are the excerpts from the diary he left behind.




About the Author:


Ryan has reinvented himself throughout the years, he is a self-thought artist and has sculptures all over the world, including the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan.  He has been a closet author all his life, and the ‘Covid lock-down’ has given him the time to pursue writing.




Sample Excerpt:


Looking outward, I could visualize the thoughts in my head. They hung like paintings on a white museum wall. Random images. Points in time. A horse, a mill, a future I hadn’t anticipated. A sagacious drift blurred my focus. I wanted to see more.

2018 rang in my ears. I couldn’t have planned it any better, yet none of this was by design. It was fate and chaos shaken in an hourglass. My body was hot and cold. Elated, yet frightened. Slowing down my thoughts was all I could do to maintain myself. A multitude of possibilities bombarded me. Tightening my brow, I tried to focus, but my rapid introspections dishevelled my senses. My mind was realigning with this new time and correcting the past I had once known. My journey to 1845 had changed my present. It was like a psychodynamic glitch. A new history was thrust upon me. 2018 rang once more.