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World Without




Sean McElgunn


ISBN: 978-1-905451-45-6


   Price:  €20.00




About the Book


This story is based on the experience of the many who once set out to pursue the impossible dream. For some at least it was a hard way to find out that it was not good for man to be alone; not wise to mess with Mother Nature. Her life-force, if tamped down, is sure to erupt elsewhere. Enforced celibacy has caused untold  tragedy and not a little comedy, for man is a sad funny animal. It has crippled the church. The bachelor life may suit some, but the Christian ideal was always the bride, not the virgin. Christ was not a monk; in Him God wed humanity.  He is the Eternal God made flesh; the church is His Bride to whom He gave His life’s blood, to make us all brothers and sisters in God’s family.


A long time ago a power group seized control in Rome. They were monks; they wanted to turn the church into a monastery for male celibates. Canon law created a privileged elite living apart in the so-called clerical state. Henceforth the laity were merely dumb sheep to be herded into heaven. Where Christ sought to unite the human family in love, this brain-storm led to rancour, strife and division. It sundered races, religions, sects, women from men, the priest from the people; unholy wars are the legacy.


All that is ancient history; what has it got to do with life today?  Everything. Christianity is still the most potent moral dynamo in the world, if it is harnessed properly. Love is still the key to the survival of all of us and our planet—home. The children dying of hunger and disease are our children; who sells them weapons and hate in place of bread and medicine?  Send for the Women.



About the Author




Sean Mc Elgunn grew up in Belturbet, Co Cavan and served as a priest for twenty years.  During which time his ministry took him all over the world, the Philippine Islands, Ireland, North and South, Germany and USA.  Sean also was a chaplain in the US Army during Vietnam.  He also worked as a carpenter on building sites in London.  He is married since 1976 and has children and grandchildren.


Other Publications by Sean McElgunn:


Songs of the Winding Erne, vols. 1 & 2,

A collections of songs, ballads, etc., surviving only in the oral tradition.  – Currently out of print.


Charleyhorse Rider - Tales of the Winding Erne

‘A well-written account of life over the past sixty years in a part of Cavan that adjoins the Erne, the Border and Fermanagh. McElgunn is a good story-teller and catches the flavour of local rural life with its numerous characters, often ribald speech and country lore. . . . The author also has an ear for dialect and reproduces the songs and sayings of Belturbet in fine style. There is a helpful glossary of dialect words and phrases for the non-native.’


Irish Times, Saturday, Sept. 26, 1998.


The Mango Tree – Life in the Philippine Islands;

1999. – Currently out of print.


Pandora’s Box;

Short Stories ; 2001.


The Celibate and the Woman;

The true history of canonical celibacy ; 2002.