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I’m so sick of Zombies


Kieran McCarthy



ISBN: 978-1-913275-64-8


Price:  €15.99 plus shipping







About the Book:


On the night of June 20th, 1631, the sleepy Irish village of Baltimore is attacked by Algerian pirates, burnt to the ground, and almost all its habitants are kidnapped - borne to a life of slavery in far-off lands.

But the pirates do not escape without having a curse placed upon their souls.

Dara Dí Oysterskull - druid, occultist, and advisor to the village chieftain - vows that none of the fleeing pirates will ever find immortal rest, until they have returned their captives.

A bargain never to be upheld…



June 2015


15 year-old Elliotte Oysterskull is on a reluctant summer vacation.  Born and bred in Maryland, USA, she has no time for the smalltown charms of rural Ireland. 

Yet, she is unaware of her own deep connections to this village.

Unaware of the undead horror about to be unleashed upon it.

And unaware that she is the only one with the power to break the curse, and defeat an evil which has spanned the centuries and the seas.





Sample Excerpt:


“These aren’t just “Zombies” said Salty.  ‘They’re ghosts - Ghosts dressed up in flesh.  And you can’t kill ghosts!”




About the Author:


Kieran McCarthy was born in Cork in 1990.  He studied Graphic Design & Illustration in Saint John’s College, Cork, before publishing his first book, aged 21.  He has since written 20 more.