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Irene M Dixon


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ISBN: 978-1-913275-70-9



Price:  € 30.00 plus P&P




About the Book:


“Watercolour lends itself to plein air painting and I enjoy painting outdoors as often as I can. There is absolute pleasure in working outdoors and enjoying the scenery and nature rather than working indoors in the studio.

When I acquired an art journal with handmade cotton paper of heavyweight archival quality, I began my small paintings.  The images in this book are samples of the work which I have been doing over the past three years. 

Covid proved particularly challenging as it was not possible to travel very far at certain times, but there was always the neighbourhood where I live in Co Wicklow, where there are lots of subjects and vistas to paint and appreciate. There were many outings with the Greystones Art Group and Plein Eire Boyne Valley and I also painted from the car when the weather was inclement.  Later when travel restrictions were lifted, there were trips to the west and down south – always providing ample opportunities for plein air painting.

This is the diary of my watercolour plein air activity over the last few challenging years.”

Irene M Dixon