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C Programming

ATM Cashpoints


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By William Kane


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ISBN: 978-1-913275-62-4


Price:  €24.99 plus P&P









About the Book:


C Programming ATM Cashpoints is for students of C. Eight programs simulate behaviour of an automatic telling machine - a cashpoint. Each program improves a previous program until software development is comprehensive enough to present a menu allowing deposits, withdrawals, balance checks and printed statements - a working ATM.


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About the Book:


William Kane, a Computer programmer based in Dublin, Ireland, he has studied various languages at City of Dublin VEC, Dublin Business School and Maynooth University.  Work experience included teaching popular computer applications and quantitative methods.  Possessing qualifications in networks and software systems, C Sharp and Java, his preference is for C.


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See other books by William Kane:


C Programming for Business

Book one: Introduction to Problem Solving in C Language

Book two: C Programming ATM Cashpoints

Book three: C Programming Lotto & Card Games