Choice Publishing Book Store

Tell Me A Story


Cabra Remembered





Martin Coffey B.A. (Hons.)


ISBN: 978-1-909154-26-1


 Price  € 20.00




Also available at Reid’s Shop,

Cabra Road, Dublin 7



About the Book:


In compiling this, his third book on Cabra Martin Coffey reached out to a World Wide Web Community of Cabra people and invited them to share their family photographs and stories with him. The response was overwhelming with people from as far away as Australia, Canada, America, England and Germany sharing their family treasures with Martin. Many more people living in Ireland also wanted to share their family photographs and stories with him. Martin also met with and interviewed people within the Cabra community and those living elsewhere in  Ireland, recording their stories of family life and childhood memories. All of these people have a burning desire to have their families remembered and connected with a place they once called home. With so much material landing on his desk Martin felt it was time to publish once again. This book is a treasure to behold with more than 600 photographs and over 60 stories depicting the life and times of yesteryear in this small suburb of north Dublin.

It appears that with the help of modern technology most people have access to a camera. Both young and old are recording each other, their friends, their family and their surroundings. Never before in the history of photography have so many images been recorded for posterity. With the use of the Internet, photographs can be so easily shared from one continent to another in seconds. It is most likely that the majority of photographs in this book were taken with the old style Kodak Box Camera or something similar, each camera was loaded with a roll of film that had to be developed using chemicals. How times have changed. Treasure all of your family photographs and stories, store them in a safe place, share them with other family members, record the story of your parents and of course your own story.























‘There was a man going around our road selling Holy Statues and things and he came to our door. The Ma couldn’t get rid of him so me father went out and told him we didn’t believe in religion. Now we did but he just wanted to get rid of your man. Well the next thing is your man says to me Da “What’s that Holy Statue of Blessed Martin doing in your hall if you don’t believe in religion”? You see my Ma kept a statue of Blessed Martin in our hall for years. Anyway the Da took one look at the statue and said to your man “Blessed Martin? I thought that was Sammy Davis Junior”. 

The next thing my Ma and Da burst out laughing and your poor man stormed away. My Da got a boiled egg for his tea after that’.

Martin Coffey