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A Women’s Place

is in the Cabinet



Women Ministers in Irish Government 1919 - 2019


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Maedhbh McNamara


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ISBN: 978-1-913275-06-8


Price:  € 12.00 plus P&P










About the Book:


Between 1919 and 2019, just 10 per cent of those who have held senior ministerial positions in that 100 years have been women, totalling 19 women politicians.

The women ministers have been high achievers in politics. They are trailblazers and, for the most part, have left a substantial  legislative legacy.  They fought the same political battles as men and made a considerable contribution to Irish life.

This book addresses the contributions they have made.


“I welcome this addition to Irish political history.”

Joan Burton TD, Minister for Social Protection 2011-2016

and Tánaiste 2014-2016.


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Photo: Group of 14 current and former government ministers at Lissadell in Sligo in July 2018, to commemorate Constance Markievicz, the first female Minister (with Constance Cassidy, centre).

Front row (left to right): Frances Fitzgerald, Gemma Hussey, Constance Cassidy, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn,  Mary O’Rourke, Katherine Zappone.

Back row (left to right): Niamh Bhreathnach, Jan O’Sullivan, Nora Owen, Mary Harney, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, Mary Coughlan, Mary Hanafin, Síle de Valera, Heather Humphries.

Not present on the day: Joan Burton, Regina Doherty, Josepha Madigan

Deceased: Constance Markievicz, Eileen Desmond

Photograph: James Connolly


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About the Author:


Maedhbh McNamara is a writer and researcher. She has been a parliamentary researcher in the Oireachtas Library and Research Section and a researcher officer with Combat Poverty.

She is co-author of McNamara, Maedhbh and Paschal Mooney. Women in Parliament: Ireland:1918-2000. Dublin, Wolfhound Press, 2000.