This package is designed by Choice Publishing for authors who are looking to publish their manuscript as a black and white, quality trade Paperback. It is ideal for family books or first time authors starting out. 

We have designed a standard book layout which is limited to a maximum of 200 pages (5.5 x 8.5”), text only with no photos or illustrations. This is suitable for authors who wish to publish their work but does not include any distribution and promotional services. Authors can choose to upgrade to our Silver or Gold package at any time.


We will work from the authors word doc. (fully edited and proofread) and using our standard inside page layout create a workable digital file.  Note this package is only available in finished sizes up to A5 (5.5 x 8.5”) and is limited to 200 pages.  Included in this package, we will also create a basic text only book cover or the author can choose to submit a finished cover file.


Our Basic Package includes the following:


¨ Create Professional inside page layout using authors fully edited and proofread submitted file. 

¨ Create Full Colour Book Cover (Text Only) based on author’s        specifications.

¨ Print and mail a copy of digital file before submitting for printing for  author to proof and make any appropriate changes (One free proof per book)

¨ Store and Backup digital printer files for book block and cover

¨ Provide appropriate legal requirements.  Assign an ISBN Number, include author’s Copyright Notice, create EAN Barcode for back cover and deposit copies to the National Library.

¨ Provide Author with 50 free copies of book

¨ Accept Author orders for additional copies (Minimum Book Order 20)



PRICE……..  € 1150.00


Publishing Services

Choice Publishing  & Book Services Ltd

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