Choice Publishing & Book Services Ltd


                                                                                                                       Barlow House,

                                                                                                                       Narrow West Street,

                                                                                                                       Drogheda, Co Louth, A92 CPF9

                                                                                                                       Rep of Ireland


                                                                                                                       Tel: ++353 (0)41 9841551

                                                                                                                       MOBILE: 089 600 1995




                                  PUBLISHING AGREEMENT



Between the Author: ______________________________________________________

                                                   (Name of Person or Organisation, called herein the “Author”)


Book Title: (“Work”) ______________________________________________________




Choice Publishing and Book Services Ltd, Barlow House, Narrow West Street, Drogheda, Co Louth, Ireland.


Definitions:            It is understood that the “Author” is the creator of the work and holder of the copyright

                                  or has legal authority to publish the work

                                  The “Work” (also referred to herein as the “Book”) is a book, manuscript or work of art

                                  or other document provided by the Author to which this agreements pertains

                                  “Copyright” Original works of authorship, both published and unpublished, are

                                  protected under the copyright law 1963 / 2000, a form of intellectual property law.



The Author guarantees that he/she has copyright to the “work” and is the creator and/or has permission from the copyright owner and will retain copyright to the work for the duration of this agreement.

The Author warrants and represents that the Work does not infringe upon any statutory or common law right of copyright, libel or privacy of any other person, whether or not and wherever in the world it is registered.

The Author warrants and represents that the Work does not contain illegal, unlawful or material which would be reasonable considered to be objectionable, including not limited to, obscenity, hate speech, or an incitement to racial, religious or other form of hatred, or which would if published constitute a breach of contract.

The Author warrants further that any recipe formula or instruction contained in it will not if followed accurately cause any injury, illness or damage to the user.

The Author completely and wholly accepts all responsibility for the originality and content of the Work and indemnifies Choice Publishing on demand in full against any damage, claim, costs, demands or loss and all

legal costs of profits arising out of any breach of any of the above warranties.


The Author agrees to hire Choice Publishing and Book Services Ltd to provide publishing and book services to self-publishing authors.


The Author agrees to complete and return the following items before Choice Publishing and Book Services Ltd is liable to perform any of the services:


  1.  Signed Publishing Agreement

  2.  Book and Author Information Form

  3.  Payment in Full for Services selected










Publishing Agreement -  Page 2


Upon entering an agreement with an author, Choice Publishing and Book Services agree to perform the following tasks:


Legal and Administrative Services

Assign an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), obtain full library cataloguing, include author copyright notice in the book, create EAN barcode for back cover and deposit copies to the National Libraries.


Inside Page Layout and File Preparation Services

(Gold/Basic & Full Colour Package), typeset the text and layout the inside pages into a master book block file suitable for on-demand printing, producing a proof copy for the author’s approval and making one set of changes at no extra cost to the author. Note: extra charges are applicable for third and further proof copies. Scan up to 10 Black and white photos/images. Archive the master file for the duration of this agreement.

(Silver Package), file preparation by use of submitted digital file, creating a digital master book block file suitable for on demand printing, producing a proof copy for authors approval and archive the master file for the duration of this agreement.


Book Cover Design

(Gold /Basic & full Colour Package Only) Scan artwork/images provided by the author and create a full colour cover to produce a digital master cover file suitable for on demand printing, provide a proof for author’s approval and archive the master file for the duration of this agreement.



Create a dedicated webpage for each new title, featuring the book cover, author information and any excerpts required by the author.


Free Books

With each new title, choice publishing provides the author with 50 free books. (75 copies for All Inclusive and Gold Packages) These books are delivered to the author free of charge within Ireland and become the property of the author. For overseas authors, shipping charges may apply.  Shipping Charges will apply for additional book orders.


Bookstore and Order fulfilment

Choice Publishing and Book Services will accept and fulfil any orders by customers from our own bookstore. Orders can be accepted by the internet, email, phone, fax or mail or by calling in person to our office. Also accept and fulfil orders from the book trade, retailers, distributors and libraries and apply appropriate trade discounts.



Pay royalties twice yearly to the author for each copy of book sold via our bookstore. Royalties are calculated at 70% of the gross margin. (Author earns 70% of the retail price, less any trade discounts, less print cost and 1 handling fee)


Publicity and Promotional tools

Inform key internet search engines and directories about the webpage content. Provide the author with a list of media contacts throughout Ireland and UK and provide 100 launch invitation cards. Submit information about the book to major online bookstores (Nielsen BookData UK,

Submit each new title for review to the following:

Books Ireland, Dublin, Ireland

Ireland’s Own Magazine, Wexford, Ireland


Upon signing this publishing agreement, the author automatically agrees to the following:

1.  Either to provide scan-ready original art or suitable digital scans, the text in a digital file (word.doc),    plus samples to emulate and specifications for the books appearance (Gold/Basic Package) or provide a usable electronic file of the book or scan-ready pre-printed book and a completed book cover file (Silver Package)

2.  promptly review and return proof copies

3.  determine a reasonable retail price in consultation with Choice Publishing

4.  prepare, in cooperation with our staff promotional text for use on webpage and in announcements

5.  to allow Choice Publishing to distribute promotional copies of the book free of charge and free of

     royalties to the author.

6.  to assume any and all liability for content and to hold Choice Publishing and Book Services Ltd

     harmless from any liability arising from content provided by the author.

7.  never to send or commission unsolicited emails (spam) containing any mention of or link to

     Choice Publishing and its website.

8.  that Choice Publishing customer list is private and confidential and will always remain the

     property of Choice Publishing, subject to the laws of the Republic of Ireland.










Publishing Agreement -  Page 3


This publishing agreement is non-exclusive and either party may terminate this agreement at any time on delivering immediate written notice without any necessary cause provided that all outstanding compensation becomes the respective party’s debt and pre-existing payment obligations remain on both parties.



Choice Publishing is not legally responsible in any way for the content or another element of the Author’s Work. The laws of the Republic of Ireland shall apply and the parties agree to use binding arbitrations in Ireland to resolve any irreconcilable dispute between the parties.


Choice Publishing and Book Services does not warrant its website being uninterrupted or error-free. We agree to use due diligence and reasonable care in maintaining its website.


Changes to this publishing agreement may be necessary from time to time to reflect evolution of Choice publishing services and the author will be notified in such an eventuality, provided either party retains the right to terminate at any time without liability for any damages from this contract except payment of outstanding royalties and any other outstanding debts.


The Author at all times retains whatever copyright and other publishing rights possessed by the author at the time this agreements is signed.


This agreement is in full and all its terms.


Both parties, having read and agreed to the above, sign this document in witness of their agreement:




______________________________                                   _______________________________

                 Signed by Author                                                                       Signed on Behalf of

                                                                                                      Choice Publishing & Book Services Ltd


______________________________                                   _______________________________

                      Witness                                                                                        Witness


The Author agrees to make the following payment for package selected:


                 All Inclusive Package @ € 2250 ____                                  E-Book Only Package @ € 399      ____


                 Gold Package @  1995              ____                                   Silver Package @  1595               ____


                 Basic Package @  € 1150             ____                                  Full Colour Picture Book @ €1495 ____


Total Amount Payable: ________________    Enclosed Cheque  ____                      



Should you wish to pay via Credit Card, this will incur a transaction fee of 3.4% as credit card payments are made via Paypal. (Secure Online Payment Service) A Payment request will be sent via email through Paypal to the email address provided.  Please note a Paypal Account is required.


                                                   Visa  ___                                  MasterCard ___


Card Number: ____________________________ Expiry Date: _________________


Card Holders Name: _______________________ Security No: _________________


Cardholder Signature: ______________________



Please sign and witness this publishing agreement and return to us by mail to the following address:

Choice Publishing, Barlow House, Narrow West Street, Drogheda, Co Louth, A92 CPF9, Rep. of Ireland.