Choice Publishing Book Store

Ambrose O Shea


‘My Neil Diamond Experience’



Written and Compiled By


Martin Coffey B.A. (Hons.)


ISBN: 978-1-909154-61-2


 Price  € 10.00




All proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to;

 The Mater Hospital Foundation

St. Vincent’s Day Ward
































































About the Book:


Ambrose O Shea first fell in love with the music of Neil Diamond in the early 1970s. Little was Ambrose to know then how that single performance would not only shape his own personal life but also that of his entire family. Ambrose has also built up a massive collection of Neil Diamond memorabilia.

   This book is the story of Ambrose O Shea and his relationship with all things Neil Diamond. As you read this short introduction to this book you will no doubt find yourself humming a Neil Diamond tune inside your head, if so then this book is definitely for you.





















Martin Coffey and Ambrose O Shea

Ambrose O Shea has dedicated most of his adult life promoting the music of Neil Diamond. He has raised thousands of Euros for various charitable organisations through special charity event nights and performances focusing on the music of Neil Diamond. Many of the artists and performers who have taken part in these shows did so for free and insisted on any payments being donated to the particular charity on that night.

What are his future plans? Well Ambrose is determined to meet those members of Neil Diamond’s backing group and band members that have so far slipped through the Fan’s Net. He will of course continue to promote Neil Diamond at home and abroad to ensure that this particular Diamond is forever remembered.

 If you are interested in some or all things Neil Diamond you can contact Ambrose at or check out ‘Diamondville 102’ on Facebook and ‘Diamondville 102’ on Youtube. Ambrose is in almost daily contact with over 1,000 other Neil Diamond fans worldwide. And don’t forget that ‘Diamondville 102’ has a warm hearted welcome for one and all. So if you are in the area why not drop by and say hello to Ambrose O Shea, possibly Neil Diamond’s greatest fan.